Immigration NZ News

We produce regular newsletters featuring topics relevant to anyone with an interest in immigration.

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Record net migration – should we be worried?

Record net migration – should we be worried?

In July 2023, New Zealand recorded a net migration gain of just over 96,000 people, the more worrying trend is the number of people leaving New Zealand.
How to Apply for a Parent and Grandparent Visitor Visa for New Zealand

How to Apply for a Parent and Grandparent Visitor Visa for New Zealand

Learn how you can apply for a parent and grandparent partner visitor visa for New Zealand.
Border reopening – a year later

Border reopening – a year later

It has been just over a year since New Zealand reopened its border. A lot has happened in the immigration space.
Border reopening anniversary

Border reopening anniversary

It has been just over a year since New Zealand reopened its border. A lot has happened in the immigration space over the last year
Looking for talent?

Looking for talent?

Several of our employer clients have successfully recruited skilled workers from The Philippines.
Parents – time to reunite?

Parents – time to reunite?

Immigration NZ will restart this month selecting EOI for parents looking to join children in NZ. The first selection takes place on 8 August.
Visa deadlines – don’t miss out!

Visa deadlines – don’t miss out!

The Skilled Migrant Category (SMC) closes at 11.59 pm on Tuesday, 15 August 2023. There is a limited window before this category closes for anyone.
Visa deadlines – is your team tracking?

Visa deadlines – is your team tracking?

If you plan to employ migrant workers from overseas to join your workforce before Christmas 2023, Work Visa applications need to be lodged soon.
How Powerful is a New Zealand Passport? | The Benefits of NZ Citizenship

How Powerful is a New Zealand Passport? | The Benefits of NZ Citizenship

The New Zealand Passport now opens up access to 187 countries visa free. Learn more about the benefits of having NZ Citizenship in this article
Government Changes to Employer Accreditation

Government Changes to Employer Accreditation

The NZ Government has announced changes to Employer Accreditation to continue to safeguard migrant workers, however what are the implications on small business?
Accessing the Immigration System : Who Can Apply for a Visa and Who Can’t

Accessing the Immigration System : Who Can Apply for a Visa and Who Can’t

In this article understand how to access New Zealand's immigration system, including who can apply for a visa and the potential barriers individuals may face.
Embracing Cultural Diversity: A Key to Success in the New Zealand Workplace.

Embracing Cultural Diversity: A Key to Success in the New Zealand Workplace.

Learn more about how to embrace cultural diversity in the workplace and how to utilise this valuable asset for your business success in today's globalised world

Get started with a free assessment today

We are New Zealand’s largest and most experienced team of licensed immigration advisers. Our experts take away the stress and worry of navigating the complicated world of immigration. All you need to do is get in touch. Our team is on standby, ready to help.