Immigration NZ News

We produce regular newsletters featuring topics relevant to anyone with an interest in immigration.

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Common errors in preparing visa applications

Common errors in preparing visa applications

A staggering 70% of work visa applications are not complete when lodged. This causes long delays in processing. Watch our video on the 5 most common mistakes.
Common errors in preparing work visa applications

Common errors in preparing work visa applications

A staggering 70% of work visa applications are not complete when lodged. This causes long delays in processing. Watch our video on the 5 most common mistakes.
Make sure you transfer the visa

Make sure you transfer the visa

If anyone has changed their mobile phone recently, they will know inevitably some data slips through the cracks. It can be frustrating!
New levies to affect overseas visitors

New levies to affect overseas visitors

Overseas friends and family visiting New Zealand will have a new entry hurdle to jump from October 1 this year. Currently 60 countries are on a list.
Tips for Employers

Tips for Employers

Finding it difficult to attract offshore talent? Consider offering relocation packages to help with the costs of moving (household; flights).
Why not become a citizen?

Why not become a citizen?

You have lived here for five years – at least eight months in each of those years. Your accent mightn’t be pure “Nu Zilind mate”.
Visa changes coming

Visa changes coming

In December last year the Government signalled it was making changes to the immigration system. It said there were “too few checks and balances on employers".
Entrepreneur visas a real problem

Entrepreneur visas a real problem

The Entrepreneur Visa policy encourages applicants and their families to settle in New Zealand on temporary visas, based on the promise that, after a few years.
Get in the queue

Get in the queue

The processing time for an essential skill work visa is 25 days according to the Immigration NZ website. Unfortunately, that has been pushed out.
Temporary visa changes coming

Temporary visa changes coming

New Zealand’s immigration sector is expecting the most radical shake up in temporary work visa policy in decades. The Government announced pre-Christmas.
Tips for Employers

Tips for Employers

Make sure you are paying your migrant employees market rates. The Government promised action to make sure you do and the Labour inspectorate is following it.
Visa processing slowing

Visa processing slowing

Queues for most visas are growing and the system is groaning under the weight of more applications arriving than were forecast. There is no immediate solution.

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We are New Zealand’s largest and most experienced team of licensed immigration advisers. Our experts take away the stress and worry of navigating the complicated world of immigration. All you need to do is get in touch. Our team is on standby, ready to help.