Immigration NZ News

We produce regular newsletters featuring topics relevant to anyone with an interest in immigration.

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Is the Skilled Migrant category about to reopen?

Is the Skilled Migrant category about to reopen?

The Minister of Immigration wrote to our CEO at the end of June confirming he has made decisions about resuming the selection of Expressions of Interests (EOI).
Migrant workforce want to be residents

Migrant workforce want to be residents

Business is facing massive skill shortages across most industries. The closed border is forcing employers to find staff locally but so many skills are simply...
Offshore recruitment still possible

Offshore recruitment still possible

Employers need skilled workers but where are they? Unemployment remains at a record low. Australian employers are starting to poach local talent.
Some relief for employers to maintain workforce

Some relief for employers to maintain workforce

The government has moved the introduction of the new employer accreditation process across to mid-2022. At the same time, the Minister of Immigration announced.
Visa news in brief

Visa news in brief

Selection of Expressions of Interest (EOIs) under the Parent category are expected to reopen soon as confirmed by the Minister of Immigration.
Visa rule changes create confusion

Visa rule changes create confusion

The government has made a last-minute change to the planned roll out of a new employer accreditation process by deferring its introduction until mid-2022.
Immigration reset – are you affected?

Immigration reset – are you affected?

Last month the government delivered a speech in Parliament announcing plans to reset the way immigration is managed. Clearly, a signal for change.
Is your business accredited?

Is your business accredited?

If you are already an accredited employer there is a deadline of 31 October 2021 to move staff (paid $79,560 or more per annum) onto Work to Residence visas.
Keeping you updated - visa headlines

Keeping you updated - visa headlines

The Beijing branch of Immigration NZ closes on 31/08/2021. All visa applications now processed in New Zealand. Working Holiday Visas & Supplementary Seasonal...
Median wage increase confirmed

Median wage increase confirmed

The government has now confirmed the median wage will increase to $27 per hour from Monday, 19 July 2021. This impacts Work Visa (Essential Skills).
Median wage increase on 19 July 2021

Median wage increase on 19 July 2021

We reported last month the government was set to increase the median wage from $25.50 per hour to $27 per hour. The increase is now confirmed to take effect.
Immigration reset – what does this mean for business?

Immigration reset – what does this mean for business?

In May the government announced plans to change the way immigration is managed. While light on detail of what and when changes may occur, there are some clues..

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We are New Zealand’s largest and most experienced team of licensed immigration advisers. Our experts take away the stress and worry of navigating the complicated world of immigration. All you need to do is get in touch. Our team is on standby, ready to help.